Clip finding algorithm very simple, it increase counter if 3 consecutive points of sound data has very small delta difference near maximum. Example abs(SOUND_MAX - abs(x)) <= epsilon for all 3 points.
And is it expected to get such high values (211119) for tracks i ripped without any sort of destructive DSP, and thus should be as they are on an original CD?
TagEditor: I don't understand question ?
Well, i would like to be able to record the analysis results inside tags. So i would have a "clipping" tag inside my music file and i could see the clipping value without the need to re-scan. Ideally this would be done automatically to avoid manually tagging 10 000 files.
Cache: why do you need clear cache ? Similarity must work with diff. folder groups with old cache. Do you have any problems with caching, can you be more specific ?
Because if i scan without groups to check duplicates in folder "Music", and later want to use groups because i only want to check duplicates in "Music" (group1) and "Newly ripped"(group2) or watever other temporary folder, i can't. The groups column will be emtpy and i can't auto-mark by groups unless i clear the cache.
And you can easily export all you data, just open desired tab and select File->Export in main menu (CSV available).
Yep, my data is already in a LibreOffice spreadsheet. I was more interesting in being able to import a list of tracks to analyse so i don't re-analyse everything. I guess there is no such feature.