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Messages - vit

Pages: [1]
Wishlist / Re: Switching max(abs) and tags
« on: April 04, 2014, 06:40:49 »
Good, thank you again.

Wishlist / Re: Switching max(abs) and tags
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:03:44 »
2. My understanding is that "tags restrictions" is an opposite of what I'm asking. Let me explain with an example. We've got three tracks grouped with tags:

Track1: Artist: "Demis Roussos", Title: "Lament", Album: "Demis"
Track2: Artist: "Demis Roussos", Title: "Lament", Album: "The phenomenon 1968 - 1998 (Disc 2)"
Track3: Artist: "Demis Roussos", Title: "La mer", Album: "The phenomenon 1968 - 1998 (Disc 2)"

%tags reported as 79.6%, 79.6%, 70.8%.

Sure, %tags detected that Track1 and Track2 might be the same, but it also reports track3 as "false positive" with value 70.8%. The only way to fix this is to set "tags threshold" to something between 70.8%-79.6%. But I"ll miss future possible pairs indeed.
I can't find the way to resolve that by using "tags restrictions" feature. To sum up: I'd like to see flag with something like [disable "Album" tag] in calculation, etc.

3. Here is attached flac file with rating of 75.1%. Please convert it to mp3 (I converted it in foobar by lame, 320cbr) to get 100% quality.

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