1. It's comfortable. Especially if you do not have a super computer, but are limited to wait 2h for processing 170 000 files. Most of us don't have workstations for this task specifically and we do other things too, while we wait. So, while doing other things, not having Similarity to bother us is comfortable.
It would be good, if you included Option to minimize to tray when X is clicked too, from
my wishlist, which I understand will be ignored too.
It is not hard to program such things at all and they won't break the program in any way. Why not have such simple things?
2. You are building this software for other people, am I right? If we want something, you give it to us. We pay for what you do. If you build this only for yourself and if you pay to yourself too and even more than we do, then I understand, but you should have at least put up a notice about that and remove wishlist from forum accordingly.
I paid, I had high expectations, I compared and advertised your tool and now you are screwing us, making me eat my words about your tool.
I noticed this being a trend lately: the clients don't choose the product anymore, the product chooses its clients.