hey admin,
a selection of what file formats to compare would be nice. when i scan my HDD for duplicates it always brings up tons of .asf files that show as duplicates although they are not! and .asf files are actually video files, so it doesn't make sense to include them in the comparison?!
and if you could select e.g. only mp3 file format then the initial search would begin faster because Similarity wouldn't gather all 100.000 files on my hard disk, process every single one of it just to find out that this is not an .mp3 file and then reduce the detected file number on the status bar. this would also make the progress bar indicator more reliable. because when scanning a HDD with 100.000 files of which are only 1.000 mp3s the progress bar slow progresses from 0.1%...0.5%....1.0%.... and then suddenly when all mp3 files have been detected it goes up to 100%.
also, i would like to offer a german translation if you still need it, i'm just gonna send you an email.
great program!!!